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Wayman Cornell Scott - Online Memorial Website

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Wayman Scott
Född i Canada
32 years
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Februari 20, 1974
I remember the first time I felt you move inside of me. I was so excited and just wanted you to be healthy. I always knew you were a boy.  I remember the day you took your first breath. Five hours off a pain I never wanted to feel again, yet when I looked into you tiny face and after making sure you had all your fingers and toes, I remember feeling an overabundance of love for you. My heart melted that day and i knew you were forever mine and I was forever yours.

I thank the Lord of day of my life for lending you to me for a while. I miss you so much and will write a little bit every day. I need this>>>>>> HUgging you always...
Februari 20, 1974
Born in Canada Windsor Ontario on February 20, 1974.
November 26, 2006
Passed away on november 26, 2006.
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